Mindful self compassion course - week 1
This is a 9 week course is based on the work of Drs. Kristin Neff and Chris Germer. This is a brief summary of week 1.
How would you talk to a friend who was going through a tough time (for example, dealing with a major problem)?
Compare that to how you would talk to yourself. Most of us (myself very much included) treat ourselves so harshly. We don’t even treat people we dislike that way!
The formal definition of self compassion has 3 components:
Mindfulness - becoming aware of whatever it is that is bothering us
Common humanity - others are suffering just like we are. Suffering is part of the shared human experience
Self kindness - turn kindness to ourselves not to solve the issue but because we all need kindness especially when we are suffering
Informal Definition: treat ourselves as we would treat a close friend
Another way to describe the 3 elements is loving (self kindness), connected (common humanity) and presence (mindfulness).
If it’s hard to do then it’s not self compassion! More information at https://centerformsc.org